I know your probably thinking.. “Best of what.” ahaha. Although 2020 could literally be an adjective to describe a situation going 2020. This year was CRAZY, but dare I say it. I needed it. This is my blogs first Year End Review! I am one to do a hundred things going over a hundred miles an hour. This year taught me so much and I am so grateful.

This blog post will be a review of my year. I am going to go over the BEST things that happened. As I’m scrolling through my phone, this may be a hard task. I will try my best to keep it short.
Best decision
This year in February, I started this blog! Originally, I was under an alias “A Tale About A Girl” and it is a play on my name and I still wholeheartedly love the name. I wanted to start talking about my travel life more. 4 years ago, I took a trip to Thailand and it led me to meeting my now husband. I started my blog as a way to share and inspire others to travel! I plan to continue to that along with talking about my move to Germany, my love for digital marketing and social media. 2021 watch out, it’s going to get crazy around here!

So Robin (my husband) & I headed to Sacramento and took pictures for my website! This is still my profile picture on Instagram because this day was pure joy and I continue to feel this when I am in my little piece of the internet! THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE!
First Trip
Well, it was technically our last for a while. haha. We headed off to Seattle in March. I know :/. It was before it was the pandemic! Honestly, the trip was great! We experienced a quiet Seattle & headed to Bainsbridge Island for the day! Find all the trip details here!

Birthday Celebrations
I turned the big 30 this year in my living room. *CRINGE* The original plan was to go to napa and then go to Mexico for a joint celebration. Thats the thing about plans in 2020, they are just that. I had a wonderful birthday filled with a house full of flowers, Instagram live, & a photoshoot that my friend and my husband put together!

Not too bad right? SOOO much joy in the midst of everything! I think thats the biggest lesson that 2020 taught me… find the positivity & joy even if it’s only for a moment! So I decided to create a list of influencers and businesses to follow & did a giveaway on Instagram. Check out the list here. One of the bloggers on the list Helene inspired me to create this review!
Memorable Show
Need I say more? I lived this year on Netflix, Hulu, & then disney plus. If there was a person who didn’t binge tv during this crazy year, we need to chat! I think for me the most memorable show I watched… DARE I SAY IT?
Yes, I said it. Between Joe Exotic and crazy Carol Baskin, there was so much to keep up with. I mean y’all do you think she killed her husband or not?! We need to get to the bottom of this. The show did not make it to my 35 movies and tv show list though.

Biggest Accomplishment
I didn’t celebrate this one as much as I should have or as big as I should have either! After 4 years of studying in over 5 countries, clinical, and so many changes, I GRADUATED WITH MY MASTERS! This accomplishment did make it to the gram. 2020 was a challenge in so many ways, but I did have many accomplishments that I am very proud of. Are you also someone who does want to seem like they are bragging when they talk about their accomplishments?

I will work on this in 2021 because I worked HARD and it paid off!
Biggest Change
Literally, today I looked at Robin and said “Bub, we live in Germany! Like are you serious? Is this real life. When we came here last year and Robin told me he wanted to move back to Germany, I was hurt a bit. I knew California wasn’t our forever home, but we enjoyed so many aspects of being close to Lake Tahoe, National Parks, San Francisco & Beaches just a drive away. We had a 5 year plan. ahah. If you don’t know by now, when it comes to certain things I am a MAJOR planner.

The streets tell so many tales and I cannot wait to tell my own on this journey! I answered some frequently asked questions on our announcement!
Favorite Song

Cliche, I know. It was one of those songs that I constantly sang to! You can check out my 2020 favorites on Spotify here.
Favorite Photos
This year I had the opportunity to do multiple photoshoots with some amazing photographers including my husband who won’t admit he’s a photographer. Love you babe!

Meg Priley was captured me multiple times in the most beautiful way! The way the light is hitting me. At the beginning of the year, people would say to me “You are a light.” This picture makes me feel that in so many ways! One of my favorites because it makes me see the light that I wanted to hid for so long! Hoping you feel this light when you come to my website.

All of a sudden on a on the Lake Tahoe beach, I felt like a model! All in all, my posing has come a long way ahaha. Thank you Ashley for capturing me and showing me your posing tricks ;)!

That right there is 2020 JOYYYYY. I found it multiple time, but this joy gives me chills. Must of been thinking of Robin and I’s future. 😉 Abbey, this whole shoot was my AMAZING! I am so sad that I can only choose one photo.

Finally, a travel picture! This weekend was so much fun exploring Santa Barbara. Blog post coming soon. I promise ;). Jacqueline was such a pleasure to shoot with! So many Instagrammable places in Santa Barbara!

The last time I was looking down on this bridge, I was on a second date with a boy I met in Thailand. He was making jokes and telling me “you wanna take a picture by yourself. By yourself is better.” Little did I know he would be taking pictures of me by myself on that very bridge we were looking at from the castle.
Favorite Instagram Caption

In summary, I talked about how YOU are beautiful the way you are & so is she. We were all made in our own way and it’s about time we embrace the skin we are in.
Most viewed Reel
Certainly, it wouldn’t be an accurate Year in review if I didn’t talk about Instagram Reels. I started creating reels in August and my Instagram has been rapidly growing since. If you are confused about where to start, click here for my 20 Reel Tips freebie
& the winner is
Of course, I created a reel talking about our love story! Which I could talk about over and over!
Top 9 on Instagram

My first year actively Instagramming was so much fun! Full of learning from so many people, connecting with the most incredible individuals, and making virtual friends real friends! I am grateful for everyone who has supported me, encouraged me and been in my little internet space this year. Whether you stumble on my page, frequently interact with my content or check in from time to time, I am GRATEFUL for you!
Top Blog Posts:
Debt Free Apps That Will Change Your Life: Robin & I paid off $70,000 of debt in 2019 and I talked about the apps that we used! All of them were free
How I Grew My Instagram By 670% This Year: YALL I am mind blown by this year and although it was far from perfect, I grew in so many ways other than the number on the top of my page. I did NOT.. I repeat DID NOT
Blog numbers:
I started this year on Squarespace which I loved, but learned that WordPress is where I needed to be from a couple of successful bloggers I trust. So here I am! I switched over

2021 Goals
I want to blog 5 days a week. My stomach just sank like I was on a rollercoaster like the largest 6 flags rollercoaster! I want to have 2000 views a month consistently.
Create 3 Courses. I have always been passionate about women empowerment and women helping one another. I created The Reel Course For Reel Growth to teach others to GROW on Instagram and use the feature to help grow their businesses.
Travel Europe with Robin. Undoubtedly, it is my biggest hope that we will be out of lockdown and be able to travel! I want my family and friends to come visit and we all go on an adventure together! *fingers crossed*
Get a morning routine. I am 30 years old and I do NOT have a morning routine. It’s time for that to change!
At the end of the day,
I hope your 2020 had joy in it even if it was just for a moment or two!
So tell me, what are your 2021 goals?
Check out this link up post!
You killed it! Happy you had such an incredible year 🙂
Thank you so much! It was a weird, but great one!