
TikTok Marketing 101: How to Use the Platform to Boost Your Business

TikTok 101

TikTok has established itself as one of the most widely used social networking sites. TikTok remained the most downloaded app in both 2020 and 2021. The app’s popularity shows no signs of waning in 2023.

In 2020, when I first started using TikTok, I devoted much too much time to studying dances; I even practiced some of them while wearing my wedding dress. Despite the attention I received after my wedding, which included a Snap Chat feature and mentions from several other accounts, I never became particularly well-known. I believe that the popularity you enjoy on social networking platforms is not equivalent to actual income.

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Many years later, in 2022, I established an online business and put my acquired expertise to use by formulating tactics for monetizing content on TikTok. It seems to reason that businesses hoping to reach a wider demographic would look to TikTok as a potential platform for doing so. But, when it comes to advertising, Tiktok can provide its own set of issues. To stand out on the site, you need to be able to follow trends and engage in other user activities in the same way that other users do. Just getting started? Here are some creator essentials.

This post will detail the strategies I’ve used to expand my TikTok audience and monetize my content.

Why Tiktok?

TikTok’s popularity is undeniable. The app has over 1 billion monthly active users and over 300 million daily active users. It’s the world’s most popular video-sharing platform, with more than 35 million original songs uploaded to the app every month. TikTok is an app that lets you create short videos for your followers to view and comment on. 

You can make short videos up to 15 seconds long and share them with friends or post them on other social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. The app also allows users to create longer videos up to 10 minutes long.

This app has become a worldwide craze thanks to its:

1. Reach

TikTok is the world’s fastest-growing social media platform, with over 300 million users. The app has been downloaded over 150 million times and is currently used by more than half of all Gen Z’s worldwide. 

TikTok has a larger user base than any other social networking app currently available. You probably already know that I’m a great Instagram fan, but in the last seven months, ever since Instagram tried to mimic TikTok, the app’s popularity has steadily declined. This is not idle boasting; I am continually putting the software through its paces. If you want to reach a wide audience, Tik Tok is a great place to do so.

2. Engagement

TikTok is all about engagement. Users can interact with each other and their favorite creators in real time! You can also use stickers and special effects to express yourself at the moment and get others involved in the conversation on your videos. The more people interact with your content, the more likely you are to be seen by new audiences who are interested in what you have to say!

3. Unique Format

TikTok offers an entirely different format from other social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter — it’s all about quick bursts of entertainment rather than long-form content like articles or videos. This makes it easier for people to consume your content while they’re on the go and gives them something fun to watch between classes or when they have some free time on their hands!

Monetize the TikTok app

Sick of dealing with the Instagram algorithm?

There’s another way to monetize social media that doesn’t require you to sell your soul to the ‘gram for a few likes on a post, low story views, and 4 new followers a week. Start growing and monetizing on TikTok today for $97.

10 Best TikTok Strategies That’ll Take Your Account to The Next Level

If you’re an aspiring TikTok creator and you want to take your account to the next level, you’ve come to the right place.

TikTok is a highly competitive platform, with millions of people trying to get noticed. But with a little bit of effort and creativity, you can beat the competition and become famous on TikTok.

Here, I am sharing the 10 best strategies for doing TikTok the right way. These tips will help you grow your account organically and make it easier for people to find you.

1. Find Your Niche

A big part of being successful on social media is knowing who your target audience is and creating content that appeals to them. This is especially true on TikTok because everyone has their niche within the video app.

TikTok requires you to focus on a certain area of interest. It’s okay if you’re just starting and have no clue what you want to do. If you’re not sure what kind of content would resonate well with your audience, then start by exploring different kinds of videos on the platform until you find something that works for you.

You can also start sharing the things that interest you. No more than two or three topics to help you hone in on your niche. I started getting into TikTok and talking about social media and living in Germany. My life in Germany, my fertility journey, and my video providing fashion advice were both huge hits.

2. Creating a Consistent Brand and Style

TikTok is a platform that allows you to share your style and brand with your audience. This can be difficult if you’re not sure what your brand is or how you want it to look. Take some time to think about the kind of content that you want to share on TikTok. Is it fashion? Music? Vlogs? Once you’ve decided, make sure that all of your posts are consistent with that theme. Remember the hook is what get’s someone attention and I talk about high-converting video hooks in this blog post.

I have been on TikTok for 2 years now and one thing I have learned is that consistency is key to being successful on any social media app. It doesn’t matter if you are trying to make money or just looking to grow your following, it all comes down to how consistent you are with posting content on the app.

3. Use Hashtags Effectively

Hashtags are an essential element of any social media strategy, but they’re particularly important on TikTok because they can help you get discovered by new audiences. To learn more about how hashtags work, check out this guide here!

4. Take Advantage of Stories

While the main feed on TikTok only shows posts from users who have followed you (or people whom you have followed), stories show up in feeds regardless of whether or not people follow each other’s profiles. This means that stories are a great way to reach people who don’t know who you are yet but might be interested in seeing what you have to offer!

TikTok has become well-known as a platform for viral videos including the latest songs, dances, and challenges. TikTok users, in contrast to those on other social media sites, tend to circulate popular audio, dance, or challenge videos for a short period before moving on to the next viral sensation.

There are lots of other trends that can be a better fit for you or your company’s core beliefs and public image if you chose to engage in them. Capcut trends currently receive high viewership, rather than simply copying them, relate the content to your niche.

6. Post on TikTok as frequently as possible

Every social media network benefits from a regular posting schedule, and Tiktok is no different. The app’s fast-paced nature and emphasis on skipping from one video to the next in a matter of seconds means that infrequent posting is futile.

If users know that they can expect to see new videos from you every day, they are more likely to watch your content. You can repurpose your old content onto Tiktok. Moreover, the more often you upload, the greater the possibility that someone may watch at least one of your movies and follow your page.

7. Create and Fine-Tune Your Video

Although, TikTok is more of the raw uncut version of social media. Depending on your niche, you’ll want to take the time to edit them and ensure they are presentable. This will encourage viewers to stick around for the whole thing and will make your films more enjoyable overall.

8. Post at the right time

One of the most important things you can do to make sure your content gets seen is to post at the right time. There are two main times when people use TikTok: mid-day (3-6 pm) and late at night (8-11 pm). If you post between those hours, it will be easier for people to see your content when they open up TikTok during their free time. Posting during these hours will also help with engagement because there are more people online than at other times of the day. Utilizing your analytics will be a huge help which we break down inside of Monetizing the Clock App.

7 Pitch Templates

9. Partner with Brands

Partnering with a company whose values you share is a great approach to expanding your fan base. TikTok’s Creator community has grown exponentially over the past few years, and businesses are always eager to collaborate with the most dedicated and skilled individuals in the community through influencer marketing (like you).

You may make fantastic connections with businesses even if you just have a modest following. Brands want to work with Creators like you who have a smaller but more dedicated fan base. You can learn how to leverage TikTok to get free hotel stays in this blog post.

10. Have Fun and Be Yourself!

When it comes down to it, we’re all here because we want to have fun so don’t forget that! If you start putting pressure on yourself then it can become stressful and take away from the fun experience which is what we all want from this app! Don’t forget that.

There Are A Lot of Opportunities for Growth on TikTok!

TikTok is a great platform for users to express themselves, but it’s also an opportunity for brands to connect with their customers. It’s important to do your research before jumping into the app and to build your presence on TikTok with a strategy in mind.

The opportunities for growth on TikTok are endless! If you’re an aspiring artist, a social media influencer, or just a fan of the app, there’s no better place to be. And if you follow these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to being a star on TikTok in no time!


Wife, Daughter, Sister, Friend and the best HYPE girl. In 2016, I went to Thailand and met my husband. Literally, in Koh Phagan, I not only fell in love with this wonderful man, but with all things TRAVEL! February 2020, I started telling my story! I am so HAPPY you are here! LET’S GO ON ADVENTURE!

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