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Let’s dive into one of the secret weapons that you can utilize as a creator…Chat GPT!
You’ve probably heard Chat GPT multiple different times, but in this article, we’re diving into how you can leverage Chat GPT to make life easier for you, help you create content, and also repurpose content
What is ChatGPT?
Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence, which you can input text and it provides “human-like” responses. It’s a computer so it’s obviously not going to sound exactly like you.
You want to use Chat GPT as an asset and not a crutch, meaning don’t put stuff in Chat GPT for your business that you know nothing about.
You’ll want to know exactly what you’re inputting, otherwise, you’re going to sound like a robot…because Chat GPT is a robot!
Benefits of using AI
If you’re having trouble coming up with content, then you can ask, what are the trending topics for said niche? Or what is something that is important to talk about?
For whatever your niche is, it can give you a new perspective or inspiration on texts or things that you’ve already done. I could could put an old blog post and say, give me a different perspective, rephrase this into a new Instagram post, or I want the reader to blah, blah, blah.
It can also help you expand your creativity, helping you think of new ideas, come up with new content. Remember, you don’t want to copy and paste everything that Chat GPT says, because it pulls info from the internet and utilizes them. That’s why currently it is free.
You can also draft outlines. For my recent podcast episode, I actually drafted an outline in Chat GPT. It outlined my episode and now I am just going over each of the topics. These are just a couple of things that you can use it for and we’re going to get specific here in a moment.
Content creation
As I said before, it helps you with ideas, outlines, brainstorming sessions, etc.
So, how can you utilize that?
Let’s say you’re creating content calendar for your niche – we’re going to say your niche is fashion. You can prompt it by asking, What are the key things that I should talk about when it comes to fashion? It will actually bring out a content calendar for you and then you yourself can create the content and come up with the different concepts.
As far as outlines, if you are doing a podcast for example, input the type of podcast that you want to do and use prompts like, I want the listener to leave with x information. What is an outline that I should have for this? You can also tell it that you’re having a tough time coming up with a title. Prompt it by inputting, here is my paragraph of what I’m gonna be talking about. What’s the best title for this?
I’ve also used it to help with emails where I copy and paste my own Instagram post and say, rephrase this into an email with X amount of words, I want there to be an action item. It will then take my Instagram post and create it into more of an email base. This can really help if you’re someone that’s not very good with emails!
Perfecting Your Tone with AI
If you are creating content online and want ChatGPT to sound a little bit more human, you can prompt it to say things in a friendly tone. You can specify the voice or expression like, I want to be sassy. Sassy friendly usually gives you a good type of answer, and sass itself gives you a little bit of Ebonic situation, but most of the time it’s good. From there, you can go in and tweak things the way that you want them to sound.
When you’re using ChatGPT to engage, it can help you come up with different call to actions. It’s all about what type of prompts you’re putting in that are going to give you more of the type of language that you want. You can ask it to rephrase, like talking to a friend.
I’ve included a couple of prompts that I use to help create better social media content with the use of AI in the podcast episode notes.
When utilizing AI
You want to be authentic to yourself and not have it ask different random things that you know nothing about. I mean, if you’re somebody that’s learning something, maybe you could learn through there, but remember that you’re putting in the information and that’s what it’s taking from.
The last date that it is relevant for ChatGPT is 2020, I believe. Anything after that date, it doesn’t know or understand, so it’s not something that’s going to tell you if you type in there that it would give you back feedback from there. There are some things that it can’t say or do, so it’s important to have a balance between having your AI content and your unique voice.
This is why I utilize it basically to repurpose my own content, or I’ll put in my own paragraph and I’ll be like, rephrase this to sound more empathetic, but make it a little bit more sassy with a friendly tone. I also use it on my blog when I’m needing more passive voice, I’ll copy and paste a sentence and put it in there and say, rephrase this in a passive voice, so that can kind of help me with my SEO.
Ethically using AI
I don’t want AI to do my job for me. I want it to help me as an asset, because the moment you rely on AI to create all of your content for you, they will come out with the paid subscription – they’re going to charge at some point! Now, you’re going to be obligated to pay for it because you haven’t been coming up with your own things. It’s a way for you to get those ideas going, repurpose the content, and get blog posts out a lot faster.
I’ve really loved using it as something that, I guess, kind of like my assistant helping me get through certain things and getting things done a little bit quicker because I can copy and paste certain things and recreate it, and then all I have to do is edit it into my WordPress or make the caption sound a little bit more like me.
Those are the different ways that I personally have been leveraging Chat GPT and I encourage you to explore, experiment, and see the different things that you can do on there!