Right now you’re asking yourself what content should I create? What should I talk about? What topics should I focus on. Content creation can be hard, but there are ways to simplify the thinking juices. I love creating content and helping others come up with ideas that match with what they are trying to do. My favorite ways to come up with content include listening to podcasts, reading books, reading blogs, Pinterest, questions my community asks & Facebook groups. When I feel inspired, I open up my notes and get to writing. I’m going to give you my step by step process of creating content.
When I first started creating content, I thought what do I want to talk about. What should I talk about? What do I feel like talking about? NO NO NO.
When you create content, it should feel like you are talking to an old friend and catching up on all things that have happened since you two last saw each other. You know the friend who you can go months without talking to, but pick right where you left off? Creating content should be personal. Here are two things that should be established first.
Understand your Community
How personal? On Instagram Live a couple of weeks ago someone asked me, “how to you stay private.” That one of the reasons I didn’t want to create my blog because I wanted privacy. YOU have control of what you share on Instagram or any other social media platform. Make sure to create boundaries and stick to them.
Back to understanding. How do you get to understand what your community wants? Have conversations with them about anything. There are so many things you can learn from someone by just having a conversation. I mean that’s why I’m talking about content creation now. If you are on Instagram, utilize your insights to help you grasp an idea of what your idea what people are responding, commenting, saving and engaging with!
Find your content voice
Remember that old friend you were chatting with? How do you talk to them? You want your writing even it’s a caption to sound JUST like that! Like the words you use and sometimes when I am writing out a caption I use my hands to talk to see if it really sounds like me. Silly I know, but IT HELPS. Finding your voice will help others find you and know you!
Now that you have those things covered let’s to talk about the process.
Step 1: Brain dump
I know the word seems weird, right? Grab a piece of paper, notebook, napkin, etc and write down everything you want to talk about on your platform. Anything you can create content out of. It could be anything from the people you want to mention, the experiences the stories, etc. It could literally be your cat. You are just writing down everything you enjoy talking about.
Step 2: Eliminate
Take out everything that does not relate with your brand or that you cannot bring back to your overall goal. A lot of things can be brought back to your brand. Example: If you’ve been following me on Instagram for a while, you know I LOVE sparkling water. I can make a story relating to my brand about sparkling water. Like I could write how I was drinking sparkling water when idea came to my mind. I could talk about my search for flavored sparkling water in Germany.
Do not leave out something you love because you haven’t figured out how to incorporate it. But as Marie Kondo says, “if it doesn’t bring you joy, thank it and let it go” Letting go of topics that do not serve you will save you so much time!
Step 3: Group Content Ideas
Group your content ideas together. You will have one overarching goal with each content piece. You want to make sure that you do not have too many topics because that can be confusing and misleading especially on Instagram. On Instagram, you have your top 9 which should be reoccurring themes. Every post should talk about your niche or niches, but in different aspects. Remember to repurpose your content because not all of your followers are seeing all of your content.
Step 4: Create
Once you have your ideas & content themes it’s time to start writing or recording. Put all of the ideas into motion. Always remember that in every story there is a beginning, middle and end! That applies to every piece of content you create on any platform.
At the end of the day, I hope this helps you create engaging content.