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Let’s dive into the journey of thinking something is unattainable, to living a life beyond your wildest dreams – a story of transformation, hope, and (of course) you’re going to leave with actionable steps to help you create a life you love.
Have you ever felt like certain things in life were simply unattainable? Perhaps you had dreams and aspirations that seemed out of reach, or maybe you believed that success was reserved for others, but never for you.
Well, you’re not alone. Many people experience these thoughts and doubts at some point in their lives. But why do we think that way?
Why do we limit ourselves and our potential?
1. Fear of failure
We focus on the risks and the possibility of not achieving our desired outcome. This fear often paralyzes us, preventing us from taking any action at all. Hindering you from living a life beyond your dreams.
I want you to reflect on the things that you’ve wanted to do in your life and ask yourself, did fear stop me? I have had multiple moments questioning myself, should I really start this blog? What if nobody reads my blog? What if only my mom reads my blog?
Or even when I launched my podcast, I thought to myself, why am I launching a podcast? Who’s going to listen to this podcast? And within the first week I had a hundred downloads! So people are listening to me. People are reading my blog and I’ve made these stories up in my head to prevent me from reaching my potential.
And that is what we do. We don’t take action because fear paralyzes us.
2. Lack of belief
In the same way, you don’t believe in yourself. We underestimate our abilities. Doubt our worthiness of success. We compare ourselves to others and fall into a trap of thinking that they possess something that we don’t.
I did not think that you would be here reading an article from me, about living an unattainable life. While looking outside the window out of my office, living here in Germany, being able to travel whenever I wanted. I did not think that that was possible. I was lacking belief in myself.
When we compare ourselves to others, we fall into the trap of thinking that they possess something we don’t. I want to let you know today, I do not possess anything that you don’t!
The truth is, every successful person started somewhere and they face their own challenges along the way. It’s the starting that really gets you. The starting is usually the hardest part, but once you start, things begin to unfold in their way. So how are you going to break free from these limiting beliefs and create a life you truly love?
Action Steps that you can take
1. Define your vision and start envisioning the life you desire
Take some time to imagine the specific details, experiences, emotions associated with your dream life. What does it look like? How does it feel? Creating a clear vision will help you stay focused and motivated along the journey.
If you’re wanting to listen to a mindset coach, who takes you through the science behind this, you need to work with Rebecca Hayden!
When you are creating that vision for yourself, write down what it is you want to be doing in one year.
As you write those things down, sit with yourself and ask, how does that feel now that I’ve said that in three months I want to launch a course?
In January 2023
I did a presentation on vision board planning building a life beyond your dreams- when you create a vision board and you take those pictures and you put them together, don’t forget to address each part of your life! Don’t focus on only the business, because we are whole people.
Look into other things – your physical and emotional state, your relationship, etc. Look at different things and not just your business when you’re creating that vision. I hadn’t created a vision board in so long and creating my vision board this year really set everything on fire.
And it did the same for those girls in January. A lot of them had killed their goals by May and it’s because their vision was constantly in front of them. I have my vision board on my phone and computer – it’s everywhere that I am. Every time I look at them, I know that this is what I’m working toward.
Subconsciously, your brain is saying, she wants to do this. You’re going to start automatically doing different types of things that you weren’t doing before because you want to reach those goals – it’s all connected to the things that you do and the habits that you have daily.
You have to have a step one and know what you want to do daily. Daily, I would work on my writing so I can become a blogger. It’s all about those daily actions that you take!
2. Set achievable goals instead of fixating on the end goal
You’re not going to look at step 1000, you’re going to look at step 1 to living a life beyond your dreams. Break it down to smaller, achievable goals and milestones. Setting those smaller goals will create a sense of progress and accomplishment and you’ll celebrate it in each milestone. I did this when we were paying off our debt!
When I had over $70,000 in debt, I went through the Dave Ramsey type of vibe. I paid off the smaller loans first and as you pay the smaller things off, you get this excitement where things start to kind of peel off of you.
At some point I did go to things that had higher interest rates, but that’s not the point. The point is taking it smaller pieces at a time, rather than feeling that you need to have everything done so you can celebrate yourself with each step.
What that looks like if you’re starting an online business or you are wanting to start using Instagram, blogging, YouTube, TikTok, etc. is saying to yourself this week, I am going to post three times. This week I’m writing one blog post. This week I’m going to do a YouTube video and focusing on the week itself.
Once you hit that weekly goal….
you can start going forward and expanding to monthly goals.
That’s what I did with my podcast episodes – I planned to record three podcast episodes along with my trailer. That’s the first month and it was like, check, check, check! From there I was like, okay, now that I have that, maybe I can do a podcast episode twice a week. And so that’s where I’m at.
And who knows, maybe I’m going to rock it out and be like, you know what? I love my freaking podcast. I’m going to be on here every single day! So just thinking about setting that achievable goal instead of fixating on the end goal.
3. Develop your specific action plan for living a life beyond your dreams
Y’all know I’m all about the strategies, baby! The steps you need to take to reach each milestone because you have set a goal to post three times a week. What type of things are you going to need to do in order to reach that goal? This can be applied to anything in life. Identify the skills, resources, or knowledge that you might need to get to that.
Break down your action plan into manageable tasks and take action consistently towards those goals. Let’s say your goal is to make an extra $500 online. Think about what skills you have to make that money online. Here are a ton of helpful resources to get you started!
Once you have the skills, resources, and knowledge, then you can start posting strategically and in the posting you’re going to want to break that down too because what are you gonna be posting about? How are you going to sell your product or service or your affiliate links?
Think about all of that and create a plan of action – sticking to it is going to skyrocket everything you do because what happens is we all stop at step one where we just make a vision board and then we hope that things come to us.
And yes, you can attract things, but you have to take action towards most of the things that you’re wanting.
4. Lean into a supportive community
Surround yourself with a positive, supportive, community and people that understand you, inspire you, and lift you up. The ones who encourage you For the longest, it was hard to find people in the online space that weren’t gatekeeping.
Those people who were looking to have people around, but not wanting to share their insights. It felt a little like nursing school, where people ask you what your grades were and then wouldn’t share what their grades were.
There are communities that you can join, remembering that it’s essential to embrace the journey and not just focus on the end goal. Enjoy the moments as they go, because every step is bringing you closer to your dreams.
You’re going to wake up at one point.
Last week I woke up, I was talking to Robin and we were just like chatting it up and it came to me and I was like, Oh my gosh, we’re in our apartment, this apartment that we waited two and a half years for it to be finished.
But we live here now and we have our stuff in here and we get to wake up and not be worried about construction. I mean, we haven’t got the air conditioning system in yet, but we have all of this freedom that we have and we feel now on something that we thought was so far away, but those two and a half years just zoomed by!
Imagine now if you start working towards those goals and you wake up two and a half years from now. What is that going to feel like? Of course, there’s going to be setbacks, challenges, and those are always opportunities for growth and learning and keeping that vision in your mind and letting it set your North Star and help you get to living a life beyond your dreams.
Your Next Step
If you are ready to take the step towards monetizing your content, I want to invite you to join my new membership Socially Paid Suite. This program is designed to provide you with tools, resources, support that you need to turn your passion into a profitable business. You can trial the membership here for FREE for 7 days.
The membership opportunity to connect with other like minded individuals, learn from experts and unleash the potential within yourself. It’s going to be very structured. It’s not going to be something where I don’t know who you are or what you’re up to. You’re going to have the opportunity to submit your content.
I am excited for this community and to pour into this new membership, so I hope to see you in the suite and thank you for tuning in today.
Remember, life is full of possibilities and you have the power to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. Take those action steps, embrace the journey and never stop believing in yourself.