If you’re new here, I used to work as a social media manager for a multi-million dollar company. I would create content to help them convert & increase their blog sales. So these content ideas I am sharing have been tested multiple times and have made my clients thousands of dollars.
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Social Media Content Ideas

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1. Behind the Scenes (BTS
Are you working on a project? Maybe you have something surprising happening within your business. Create some Behind the scenes social media content could also be taking someone through your work day.
When someone shares the ins and outs of their business that enables people to see things like how long it takes for their product to be created or how much work is put into a course or program. The BTS post really adds value to your product and/or services which will increase your sales.
Conversion tip: Create a caption and lead your community to your Instagram stories to find out what you have going on.
2. Repurpose Content
Your community is continually changing. That one post last year that did well or landed you x amount of clients can literally be reused. I’ve copy and pasted old post to see how my community will respond. Feed post last usually for 24 hours and a % of your community can see your content.
The repurposing of social media content is not only on a single platform. If an email lands you a client or a sale, apply that to ALL your social media networks. Remember that everyone consumes content differently! Majority of my blog readers and email subscribers do NOT follow me on Instagram. That’s the benefit of our businesses. You are able to have the same messaging, but provide value in multiple ways.
3. Your Story
The good ole like, know, & trust factor can be established through consistently telling your brand story. People are not buying things from you without knowing who you are and what you represent.
Re-introduce yourself because sometimes your followers miss it and other times they want to hear it over and over again. I talk about my love story consistently because I love it and my community loves to know different parts of our story.
When it comes to your brand story, you want to make sure that it connects to what you are selling. You want your brand story to be a story where people chat over cocktails and say “do you follow [insert your name], she [inserts your story]. Now, don’t get it twisted. You do not have to move across the world for your brand to be successful. BE YOU SIS! How did you start showing up online and how has that made a difference in your life.
Conversion tip: If you have a blog or website direct your community to the full story or talk about your email list.
4. Vulnerability
No one wants to buy from someone who makes everything look too good to be true. You want to share different aspects because people want to buy from someone is relatable.
This is probably the toughest yet most impactful type of content. I am not saying impactful to your community, but to you! Growing in your business takes you stepping out of that comfort zone over and over. When you start to talk about pieces of yourself that you’ve hidden, you see yourself in a better light. This one will be tough, but so are you! We want to hear the things you’re struggling with.
5. How You Help
Your business adds value to someone else, but they will not know if you don’t talk about it. It doesn’t have to be hard. Explain in your bio in how you help them and have a highlight they can go through and see your story, client testimonials, or mini-training. Talk about why someone should be following you. Remember that is can take months from the time that someone follows along until they purchase something from you.
Conversion Tip: Have a valuable freebie, so they can sign up for your email list and sell to them through an automated email funnel!
After making CONSISTENT $5K income using 6 different streams created Monetization Conversations to help YOU figure out how the ways to make an income by posting on Instagram.
TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU SELL. I’ve had clients that get frustrated after talking about their product/service ONE time. Someone needs to see what you offer at least 7 times!
Here’s the thing, how many times does amazon email you during their sales like prime day? I get multiple emails a day. Let’s not even get started with Macy’s they will email you 2-3 times a day. The reason is… it works and the only thing that separates you from these large companies is they are not afraid to tell you about what they sell and send you MULTIPLE reminders. If you learn one thing from this blog post, it is that you can make money on instagram!
Talk about what you sell in entertaining, education, empowering and engaging type of content!
7. Show The Transformation
People want to see the transformation for yourself and for your clients. This type of post is really impactful when it comes to selling online. Taking people on the journey with you and capture everything you’re doing. It’s a great way to look back. When you create this type of post you want to point out the transformation, give a couple of things you did to get there and then share your offer. Remember, it can be easy!